Well, you know what to do. And I want many pics in here so if you want to comment or post stuff in the thread, it'd be cool if you could contribute a pic once in a while. Also: Be original sometimes. Posting 5 pictures of you in the same clothes with just a different pose is NOT original.
Here it goes.
About one month ago I cut my hair to see what it'd look like... I shouldn't have. Here's before:
And here's the result. (a month old so it's growing back now anyway.)
And here's some parkour pics for fun!
Pic 1 // Pic 2 // Pic 3
My avatar, with the Olympic Stadium in the background
Most recent (still like 5 months old)

May, after prom (we were searching for stuff to eat in the morning)

Rocky Horror Picture Show in May, I played Eddie and Dr. Scott

nemO, to tell you the truth, you look alot older with the shorter hair. I like it.
I'm really noticing your facial structure maturing as well. Less of the childish face you had before.