Topic Display Modes
I'm afraid I don't see the difference.
EDIT: Wait, wait, I figured it out. Yeah, I like linear.
I did notice the different mew. And I HATE it.
Probably because i'm use to this way, but it is very annoying having it like that...
I have tried linear before. and I'm also sticking to standard mew.
guess it's easier for me to view topics this way.
There really doesn't seem to be all that much in it; I don't mind either way, whichever is easiest to implement.
This may be an old poll but I am interested in a re-evaluation. Although we no longer have the option, I would like to know whether people would prefer to have the topic starter post display at the top of every page, or only the first page as currently.
It's nice to know that you have done something new this time. - Fred Wehba
I have changed the default topic view to "Linear Plus," and would like everyone's opinion on it. Linear+ has always been around, but I doubt many of you have tried it out. As there won't be any option after the transition to new software, I want your opinion now so I can set it up according to your preferences.
The option can be found in a topic's "Options" menu to the right of the topic title. If you are using the "v3" skin, the options menu does not work, so you'll have to change to v2 momentarily.