It's been a long while since any updates, so let me clarify: RRR is not dead, but it has been so long since I removed the dead link that they don't have us anymore either.
What is the state of the RPG Making community? Is it up? Is it down? The main user base gets older and older, with some of us in our late twenties, and yet RPG Maker continues to attract the kind of youth that we were in its heyday. So where were you, nine years ago, with RPG Maker 2000? Even that was before my time.
This community is in some kind of state, that's to be sure. We're hanging on by a scarce few dedicated members, in a state of limbo with Maxy, the site's owner. Despite not being seen for a long time and claiming he would not renew the hosting, he has nonetheless continued to pay the bills.
I would like to formally recognize the members which keep us going. Thank you, egg_dragon, for supporting our new members with their troubles which seem so far away to any RM veteran. Thank you, Chickensoupcheese, for injecting the spice into random discussions and making them fun. And thank you, anybody who is reading this.
Well I'll be honest with everyone:
I never thought I'd make it this far. or post a project in here. but
hell this place is sure worth the time
thanks for not giving in this place.
The project still lives!