Some of you may have noticed already, and you're probably noticing now: several parts of the website have had a major style upgrade. This includes the front page news feed, the blogs page, and the resource gallery.
Resource gallery? What you say?
I have put together a Drupal-based resource gallery, and it's mighty fine if I do say so myself. Say what you will about Drupal not being designed with forums in mind; this kind of "I want this specific data type to be arranged in this way kkthxbai" thing is exactly what Drupal is good at.
So far, I have uploaded TheInquisitor's RMXP tilesets and RM2k3 monsters, as well as Mea's RMXP animations. I will be uploading more resources from our legacy system as I find the time.
From now on, I would like to see the lot of you making fancy new resources and uploading them (except recent Immigrants, who cannot do so until they are promoted to Townie).
I am quite impressed by the addition of the new resource gallery. You have once again, outdone your insane-web-programming-self.
I like the new look of the Front-page and Blog, but whenever I switch back to the default theme, (The blue one) I'm unable to see the fancy header backgrounds on the header text you had put on there. The header backgrounds really look nice when you can see them using the "Lite theme" however.
I also get a funny little error message when accessing the background music section. Nothing is really impacted as the page can be accessed and the resource can be downloaded and all, but I'm not sure if this is something really being looking into.
Error Message: (I'm using google chrome if it helps any. Not sure if it has anything to do with this code language however.)
warning: call_user_func() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback in /home/rpgjpal/public_html/sites/all/modules/audiofield/audiofield.module on line 250.
You can bet yourself I will be uploading some nifty resources to fill up that gallery in due time. I don't have a resource I have created myself yet, so I cannot tell if uploading works correctly or not.
Job well done.