I would like to apologise for the significant period that RPG-Palace has been unavailable. Anyone visiting the site over the past couple of months will be aware there have been issues with payment for the site. This is largely due to complications caused by internation transfer of funds; this is partially my fault and it should have been resolved much sooner. I will now be looking for an alternative web host with more suitable payment options to avoid this happening again.
Certainly has been a while.
Has the activity here suffered? I haven't seen many posts.
Eh, almost all but forgot about this place.........books help with memory loss....
Goody-goody gumdrops!
so you thought you could get rid of me.
*looks around*
Am I dreaming or is this really back up...? It's been so engrained into my daily routine to click "RPG Palace" in my bookmarks, every day, then immediately select another option, as I know it is always down. But, yay, it's back.
Now don't ever do this again. You can't mess with a man's daily routine like that.
It's been so engrained into my daily routine to click "RPG Palace" in my bookmarks, every day, then immediately select another option, as I know it is always down.
Therefore we are twins and destined to fight atop a volcano in the rain.
May I take this opportunity to say...
EDIT: Now I won't have to go to RMXP.org for my interneting anymore...although I don't know if we could sustain debates on morality, politics, or child sexuality...
Are you calling me a rapist?
...although I don't know if we could sustain debates on morality, politics, or child sexuality...
For, against, for. Debate over.
like OMG I thought this place would NEVER come back...
there IS life after death after all!
Waiting on the 'Buy me an XBox360' thread from an admin (or the new 'Buy me a plane ticket to go to England to have sex with a member of my site who is four years younger than me' thread)
Lol, nothing has changed! :Drool:
Haha. I'm still here

Well, nice to see this place back. Now it's all about bringing back a bit of normality, or preferably some regular activity.
Should have stayed gone. I enjoyed the vacation. :No:
Oh, sweet. I thought it was gone for good as well. I'll try to be active again here now :3
I wasn't even here for the downtime......
But I doubt I'd forget about this place, you guys have helped this little newbie out a lot so far.
oh the almighty Palace!
I just recently checked back, glad your back up and running!
That's bad........ but when are we getting some new news?
That's bad........ but when are we getting some new news?
Live and prosper.
I thought this place was officially dead.. Nice to see it back. Hope the activity of this place hasn't been effected though.
We'll have new news when something actually happens...
Wow I thought the site was gone for good too.... even though i only checked twice: once at the begining of the crash and then only yesterday :Smug:
the only reason i checked was because i started getting intrested in making games again after I stupidly rejected my would-be-girlfriend because when she asked me out I thought it was a joke, and so now my social life is gonna take a long needed vacation in the uneveitable confines of my mind.... and the Internet.
Yah so overall im kinda screwed
Yes, she was hot... :Drool:
Ouch, sorry dude that sucks. No possibility of patching up whatever would-be relationship you might have had? As much as I love the Town, I don't know if it's worth a hot female But I'm married now...so it's kinda the other way around for me
Its possible... just that i guess i only have untill december 24 before it makes no sence to even bother
Don't ask how i made that number, my mind is ruled by the world of mathamatics and it makes my head hurt trying to figure out how my head works :Drool:
She is kinda the stalker type person so its hard to find her now that i "rejected" her
She seems really nice so i can only imagine how hard it must be on her...
I feel so stupid :chickensoupcheese:
(I ran out of smilies )
I joined just a bit before the "apocaliptic....?" era of the town.
and now here I stand fighting to mantain it's remains.
eventually. I bet someone's gonna be intersted on giving the town a makeover.
hmmm..... maybe.
Actaully, make-over? I think thats a bad idea... I like RPG town as it is
And btw which "apocolipse"
The 2-year one or the recent one?
I think the only "make-over" that this town needs is better forums than just general.
I mean, i don't think anyone really posts that much xcept for the general section.
Ohh yea and some sort of a member drive would be cool, Its pretty baren out there and awfully lonely.
I think thats why we all stick to general...
It's bound to have more people.
Actually, Project Discussion. Game Making Support, Requests and Resources all seem to be just as active. And we have new members registering every day, it's just that most don't post or stick around. They're here for other things. If there was only a way we could trap them so they could never navigate away from the website...
True, but im just glad that people still come here.
Truth be told, i actually like how small this community is, but im sure 2x the members can only mean 2x the fun
(of n00b-flareing!)
Nah, JK
I hate n00b-flarers
It's stupid and its worse than Spam-Bots because your being insulted by inteligent (or not so in this case) beings instead of some guy posting adverts inbetween something remotely intresting
I enjoy the small size of the Town, too. Other places, like RPG RPG revolution, are just too...busy, for my liking.
Actually, Project Discussion. Game Making Support, Requests and Resources all seem to be just as active. And we have new members registering every day, it's just that most don't post or stick around. They're here for other things. If there was only a way we could trap them so they could never navigate away from the website...
8D I helped! Actually, most of my posts are in Requests...
Have a popup that comes up 'are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?' about 20+ times in a row if they click yes every time they go to leave. No changes nothing.
...Have a popup that comes up 'are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?' about 20+ times in a row if they click yes every time they go to leave. No changes nothing.
You do NOT know how anoying that is...
They did that once to me, and it almost crashed my fricken' internet (that was while I still had dial-up )
I think that would just scare away people...
Maybe we should just tidy this place up, I usally find that the forums are anoying to navigate and easy to get lost in.
I mean, we just might find a corpse lieing in one of the old threads... :lol3:
...Have a popup that comes up 'are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?' about 20+ times in a row if they click yes every time they go to leave. No changes nothing.
You do NOT know how anoying that is...
They did that once to me, and it almost crashed my fricken' internet (that was while I still had dial-up )
I think that would just scare away people...
Maybe we should just tidy this place up, I usally find that the forums are anoying to navigate and easy to get lost in.
I mean, we just might find a corpse lieing in one of the old threads... :lol3:
I do so know how annoying that is. :cool: That's why I suggested it. It makes it hard to leave, doesn't it?
I think the forums are clear enough to navigate...most of the people who sign up are only here for the downloads.
...most of the people who sign up are only here for the downloads.
True... so true...
Anyways, I always wanted to ask:
WHO the HELL is Trent and WHY is he WATCHING me when im NAKED?!?!?!
...most of the people who sign up are only here for the downloads.
True... so true...
Anyways, I always wanted to ask:
WHO the HELL is Trent and WHY is he WATCHING me when im NAKED?!?!?!
Trent is my shapeshifter character. And he's watching you when you're naked because he likes to do that. Watch out for him, he gets too touchy-feely.
...Anyways, I always wanted to ask:
WHO the HELL is Trent and WHY is he WATCHING me when im NAKED?!?!?!
Trent is my shapeshifter character. And he's watching you when you're naked because he likes to do that. Watch out for him, he gets too touchy-feely.
Hmmm.... a gay shape-shifter character... sounds like a recipe for trouble.... anyways could you please tell him to stop watching me naked? im scared to go to the bathroom now...
anyways look at my new sig
...Anyways, I always wanted to ask:
WHO the HELL is Trent and WHY is he WATCHING me when im NAKED?!?!?!
Trent is my shapeshifter character. And he's watching you when you're naked because he likes to do that. Watch out for him, he gets too touchy-feely.
Hmmm.... a gay shape-shifter character... sounds like a recipe for trouble.... anyways could you please tell him to stop watching me naked? im scared to go to the bathroom now...
anyways look at my new sig
XDD Yeah, he is trouble. And a rapist. No, I won't tell him that. It'll get his attention on ME if I do.
Also, I love the new bit to your signature.
...Anyways, I always wanted to ask:
WHO the HELL is Trent and WHY is he WATCHING me when im NAKED?!?!?!
Trent is my shapeshifter character. And he's watching you when you're naked because he likes to do that. Watch out for him, he gets too touchy-feely.
Hmmm.... a gay shape-shifter character... sounds like a recipe for trouble.... anyways could you please tell him to stop watching me naked? im scared to go to the bathroom now...
anyways look at my new sig
XDD Yeah, he is trouble. And a rapist. No, I won't tell him that. It'll get his attention on ME if I do.
Also, I love the new bit to your signature.
I bet Trent does too... wait, a rapist you say?
Uhh ohh....
you know. when I first saw the "trent saw you naked" signature I thought you mean trent from
the total drama island cartoon.
you know. when I first saw the "trent saw you naked" signature I thought you mean trent from
the total drama island cartoon.
Nope...although Total Drama Island is fun.
you know. when I first saw the "trent saw you naked" signature I thought you mean trent from
the total drama island cartoon.
Nope...although Total Drama Island is fun.
Yea that was pretty cool
Though I can't remember the names of the guys/girls
Whew! I thought the Palace was gone or something.
Great to have the palace up and running again!
~Paint rules! If your a paint-user put this into your sig~
Copy and paste this message into your signature if you think sig-copypaste-messages are obnoxious.
I'm so hardcore I don't even type. I just punch the keyboard and delete any letters I don't want.