With the other administrators still in stasis-mode activity, I have decided to promote ChickenSoupCheese to Super Moderator to help with keeping the forums organized. There has been a surge of new members, and while the discussions are all very interesting, they move too quickly for me to follow them all and split topics when the original topic has been abandoned (or when a topic sprang up when there was none in that thread).
New Super Moderator
well congratulations CSC!
still I'd like to see the inq back again or other admins...
*sigh* but still way to go CSC good luck with your awesome new powers!!
It's a wise decision to get someone like ChickenSoupCheese. :]
Many thanks! Apologies for not being that super thus far, but I'm seeking to rectify this with immediate effect.
Huh, I was gonna propose to do that, but I was to stupid to notice Group: Super Moderator
I had a question but I forgot what it was...
On that note, anyone else recognize the image that Meustrus is from Illusion of Gaia?
I'd like to find a copy of Legend of Legaia, the spiritual sequel... It was a decent RPG for the Playstation, battles were almost Fighting-game-esque. Almost.
Oh yeah...Princess Kara, wasn't it? And Hamlet? That stupid pig...
Do not disrespect the pig! Hamlet gave his life for you!
True, not many pets would be willing to do that.
I still think Hamlet's sacrifice is one of the most affecting passages in English Literature a computer game. If only his Shakespearean counterpart were so selfless!
If I recall, Hamlet didn't sacrifice his life for me, but it was for those poor hungry villagers. Oh wait, were the hungry villagers going to eat me? I can't remember...been so long...and I hate Mu. Never did like that place.
Stupid vampires...
Anyways, That post from baaaaaaaaaaalls was funny.
Edited by Chickensoupcheese... ...for "Family Freindlyness"
Or something like that. :lol3:
All he did was *Ahem* ennevre us. :lol3:
Do not disrespect the pig! Hamlet gave his life for you!
I donno... I could go for some bacon strips. Bacon makes everything taste better.
Why So Serious? LOL.
Grats, CSC! And I hope he can help you out some, Meu.
Trent saw you naked.
Need resources? Drop me a line! If I don't have it, I can likely find it!